Categories: Activities & Events
Activities & Events
Shani Peyarchi Shanthi Homam on 29th March, 2025
SHANI PEYARCHI SHANTI HOMAM Due to the transit of SANI BHAGAVAN from Kumbha Rasi to Meena Rasi on 29.03.2025 as per Drik Panchangam, Navagraha Shanti Homam is being performed to mitigate the unfavorable effects they Read more…
Suresh KR · December 9, 2014 at 10:58 am
Respected Sir, Will it be possible for us to watch / listen to the live webcast of the Saptaham or a later upload in Youtube? If these may not be possible, can you please arrange for the MP3 recording of the whole saptaham with Parayanam and Upanyasam or Parayanam part separately and Upanyasam part separately. Thanks & Regards, Suresh
Iyer Varadarajan Krishnan · December 16, 2014 at 6:30 pm
Namaskaram. Sapthaha pravachanam by Shri Hariji is to be held. Is it feasible for us to listen ” Live ” or otherwise?