Activities & Events
Devotees and Well-wishers are aware that the Sabha has been organising Krithika Mandala Veda Parayanam since 1974 every year during the auspicous period of Karthika Month. Vibrations created by Vedic Chants have potentiality to bring Various benefits to the entire Universe in the form of peace, progress, prosperity and environmental Read more…
Activities & Events
SRI DEVI NAVARATHRI CELEBRATIONS From 25.09.2014 To 03.10.2014 SANKARA BHAKTHA SABHA TRUST is pleased to announce that with the Benign Blessings of Devi Parashakthi and Acharyas, SRI DEVI NAVARATHRI CELEBRATIONS will be Conducted from 25.09.14 to 03.10.14 at Veda Bhavan. We request all Devotees of to participate in the Celebrations Read more…
Activities & Events
Yajur Upakarma performed today
Many devotees thronged Vedabhavan today to perform the annual Yajur Upakarma (Avani Avittam) . There has been a lot of wonderful comments from devotees on the availability of Audio Recording for Upakarma. It is definitely a very good indication of how all of us are still yearning to perform our Read more…
Activities & Events
Activities & Events in the month of August 2014
07.08.2014 Ekadasi 08.08.2014 Varalakshmi Vratham,Pradosham 10.08.2014 Yajur Upakarma, Pournami 11.08.2014 Gayathri JapamH.H.Jayendra Saraswathi Swamigal’s Jayanthi 13.08.2014 Maha Sankatahara Chaturthi 17.08.2014 Gokulashtami 21.08.2014 Ekadasi 22.08.2014 Pradosham 25.08.2014 Amavasya 29.08.2014 Vinayaka ChaturthiSama Upakarma 30.08.2014 Shukla Panchami
Activities & Events
Yajur Upakarma (Avani Avittam) – 2014 – Text & Audio Downloads
Yajur Upakarma which is performed in the month of Sravana, on the full moon day. This year, it falls on 10th August, 2014. It is very important that all of us perform this ritual without fail and do prayshchita for removal of all the sins and secure the divine blessings. Read more…
Activities & Events
Yajur Upakarma (Avani Avittam) – 2014
Yajur Upakarma is performed in the month of Sravana, on the full moon day. This year, it falls on 10th August, 2014. It is very important that all of us perform this ritual without fail and do prayshchita for removal of all the sins and secure the divine blessings. Arrangements Read more…
Activities & Events
Chaturmasya Bikshavandanam to their Holiness Kanchi Acharyals
The Annual Chaturmasya Samasthi Bikshavandanam to their Holiness Jagadguru Sri Sankaracharya Swamigal’s of Kanchi Kamakoti Peetam , Jagadguru Sri Jayendra Saraswathi Swamigal and Jagadguru Sri Sankara Vijayendra Saraswati Swamigal of Kanchi Kamakoti Peetam was performed on July 23, 2014 at Kanchipuram under the able leadership of Brahma Sri R.Venkatrama Salakshna Read more…
Activities & Events
His Holiness Jayendra Saraswathi Swamial’s Jayanthi
His Holiness Jagadguru Sri Jayendra Saraswathi Swamigal’s 80th Jayanthi is being celebrated on 11th August, 2014 at Vedabhavan with Pujas and Homams. Please find the detailed Brochure below. All the Devotees are requested to participate and receive the blessings of Lord Parameswara and Acharyals. Hara Hara Sankara Jaya Jaya Read more…
Activities & Events
46th ANNUAL SAMASTHI BIKSHAVANDANAM TO THEIR HOLINESS JAGADGURU SRI JAYENDRA SARASWATI SWAMIGAL & JAGADGURU SRI SANAKARA VIJAYENDRA SARASWATI SWAMIGAL at KANCHIPURAM on Wednesday, 23rd July, 2014 Sankara Bhaktha Sabha Trust which has been the first in offering Bikshavandanam to Their Holiness from the twin cities of Hyderabad – Secunderabad since 1968, Read more…