Activities & Events
Adhyatmadeepam Upanyasam
Adhyatmadeepam Upanyasam in Tamil by Sri Nochur Venkatraman From 10.12.2017 to 14.12.2017 at Vedabhavan
Adhyatmadeepam Upanyasam in Tamil by Sri Nochur Venkatraman From 10.12.2017 to 14.12.2017 at Vedabhavan
Sankara Bhaktha Sabha Trust is celebrating its Golden Jubilee Year Celebrations and the 45th Year of Krithika Mandala Veda Parayanam is being held during this auspicious Karthika Masa. Devotees and Well-wishers are aware that the Sabha has been organising Krithika Read more…
Saraswati Puja is an important part of the Navaratri festival, especially in South India. Saraswati Puja is observed at different times in different parts of India. The last three days of Navratri is dedicated to Goddess Saraswati in Karnataka, Tamil Read more…
Dear All We are extremely happy to inform you all that Sankara Bhaktha Sabha Trust which was started in the year 1968 with the divine blessings of Mahaperiyaval has completed 49 years and entered the Golden Jubilee Year on this Read more…
SANKARA BHAKTHA SABHA TRUST is pleased to announce that with the Benign Blessings of Devi Parashakthi and Acharyas, SRI DEVI NAVARATHRI CELEBRATIONS will be Conducted from 21.09.2017 to 30.09.2017 at Veda Bhavan. We request all Devotees of to participate in Read more…
Dear Devotees and Donors We have observed for the last few months that many of the devotees are contributing for various sevas and for other nobles cause of our Sabha and Veda Patasala. However, many of them are not sending Read more…
Yajur Upakarma – Avani Avittam which is performed in the month of Sravana, on the full moon day. This year, it falls on 06th September, 2017 It is very important that all of us perform this ritual without fail and Read more…
Ganesha or Ganapati is an extremely popular and powerful God. He is called Vighneshvara or Vighnaharta, the Lord of and destroyer of obstacles. People mostly worship Him asking for siddhi, success in undertakings, and buddhi, intelligence. He is worshipped before any Read more…
Maha Vishnu took various avatars to protect the mortal world from the evildoers and sinners. One such incarnation was his birth as the child of King Vasudeva and Queen Devaki Devi. Gokul Ashtami is the birthday of Lord Krishna. It Read more…
Tomorrow is Mahasankatahara Chaturthi. Ganapathi Homam is being performed from 6 AM at Vedabhavan. All the devotees are requested to participate.
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