Due to the transit of SANI BHAGAVAN from Kumbha Rasi to Meena Rasi on 29.03.2025 as per Drik Panchangam, Navagraha Shanti Homam is being performed to mitigate the unfavorable effects they may face in this transit of Sani raha.
on Saturday, the 29th March, 2025
From 7.00 A.M onwards
at Ponnala, New Veda Bhavan, Shamirpet
Contact Ph : 9440386363/9963888870 for further details
UBHYAM Rs.500/-
Payment can be made Online by choosing the
Annual Sevas > Annual Sevas > Sani Peyarchi from the below link :
All are requested to participate and receive the blessings of Lord Parameswara and Lord Sani Bhagavan
On March 29, 2025, Saturn (Shani) will transit from Aquarius (Kumbha Rasi) to Pisces (Meena Rasi). This significant astrological event will influence various Moon signs (Rasis) differently, leading to phases such as Janma Shani, Ashtama Shani, Kantaka Shani, and Ardha Sade Sati.
Janma Shani (7 1/2 Sani): For individuals with Pisces (Meena Rasi) as their Moon sign, Saturn’s move into Pisces marks the second phase of Sade Sati, known as Janma Shani.
Ashtama Shani: Those with Leo (Simha Rasi) as their Moon sign will experience Ashtama Shani, as Saturn transits their eighth house.
Kantaka Shani: Individuals with Virgo (Kanya Rasi) as their Moon sign will undergo Kantaka Shani, with Saturn moving into their seventh house.
Ardha (7 1/2) : For those with Aries (Mesha Rasi) as their Moon sign, Saturn’s entry into Pisces initiates the first phase of Sade Sati, also known as Ardha Sade Sati.
Ardha Ashtama Shani: For individuals with Sagittarius (Dhanu Rasi) as their Moon sign, Saturn’s move into Pisces places it in their fourth house, initiating the Ardha Ashtama Shani period. This transit may bring challenges related to domestic life, emotional well-being, and property matters.
Kutumba Shani: For individuals with Aquarius (Kumbha Rasi) as their Moon sign, Saturn’s move into Pisces places it in their second house, initiating the Kutumba Shani period. This transit may bring challenges related to family dynamics, financial stability, and communication.
It’s important to note that the impact of these transits can vary based on individual horoscopes and planetary positions.
Navagraha Shanti Homam can benefit the individuals and reduce the the impact of the transit and