कमलाम्बिके आश्रित – रागं तोडि – ताळं रूपकम्

(नवावरण ध्यान कीर्तनम्)

कमलाम्बिके आश्रित कल्प लतिके चण्डिके
कमनीयारुणांशुके कर विधृत शुके मामव

कमलासनादि पूजित कमल पदे बहु वरदे
कमलालय तीर्थ वैभवे शिवे करुणार्णवे

सकल लोक नायिके सङ्गीत रसिके
सु-कवित्व प्रदायिके सुन्दरि गत मायिके
विकळेबर मुक्ति दान निपुणे अघ हरणे
वियदादि भूत किरणे विनोद चरणे अरुणे
(मध्यम काल साहित्यम्)
सकळे गुरु गुह करणे सदाशिवान्तःकरणे
अ-क-च-ट-त-पादि वर्णे अखण्डैक रस पूर्णे


Kamalambike Ashritakalpalatike
Ragam Todi – Talam:  Rupakam

kamalAmbikE ASrita kalpa latikE caNDikE
kamanIyAruNAMSukE kara vidhRta SukE mAmava

kamalAsanAdi pUjita kamala padE bahu varadE
kamalAlaya tIrtha vaibhavE SivE karuNArNavE

sakala lOka nAyikE sangIta rasikE
su-kavitva pradAyikE sundari gata mAyikE
vikaLEbara mukti dAna nipuNE agha haraNE
viyadAdi bhUta kiraNE vinOda caraNE aruNE
(madhyama kAla sAhityam)
sakaLE guru guha karaNE sadASivAntaHkaraNE
a-ka-ca-Ta-ta-pAdi varNE akhaNDaika rasa pUrNE


Pallavi :
O! Kamalambika! Protect me!
You are like the celestial wish-yielding creeper to those who take refuge in you.
The fierce.The one who wears a beautiful red garment; The one who has a parrot in her hands;

Anupallavi :
The one who has the lotus feet worshipped by Brahma and others; the one who yields many boons; The one who makes the kamalalaya tank glorious! The auspicious one; the ocean of mercy.

The lady who rules the worlds; The connoiseur of music; The one who gives the gift of poesy; The beautiful one;
The one beyond illusion; The one is an expert on granting bodiless salvation; The one who removes sins;
The one who radiates as the 5 elements. The one with beautiful feet ; The one who has 64 variations; The all-knowing one!
The mother of guruguha; The one who dwells in sadashiva’s mind; The one who is of the form of the letter groups beginning and a, ka, ca, Ta, ta, & pa; the limitless incomparable bliss;


References : http://guruguha.org/

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